Awesome Collective Robotics


December 20, 2022


Swarm Robotics = Collective Robotics \cap Swarm Intelligence

This is a list of various books, courses and other resources for swarm systems and robotics. It’s an attempt to gather useful material in one place to guide and inspire everybody who wants to learn more about the fascinating field of collective behaviours and pursue research in swarm intelligence and robotics.



Software and Libraries

ARGoS ARGoS is a multi-physics robot simulator. It can simulate large-scale swarms of robots of any kind efficiently.

ROS The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behavior across a wide variety of robotic platforms.

ROS2 ROS2 is a new version of ROS with radical design changes and improvement over older ROS version.

Gazebo Robot Simulator

Webots Webots is a development environment used to model, program and simulate mobile robots.

Open AI’s Roboschool Open-source software for robot simulation, integrated with OpenAI Gym.

ROS Behavior Trees Open-source library to create robot’s behaviors in form of Behavior Trees running in ROS (Robot Operating System).

Unity Robotics Hub Central repository for open-source Unity packages, tutorials, and other resources demonstrating how to use Unity for robotics simulations. Includes new support for ROS integration.


  • Brambilla, Manuele, Eliseo Ferrante, Mauro Birattari, and Marco Dorigo. “Swarm robotics: a review from the swarm engineering perspective.” Swarm Intelligence 7, no. 1 (2013): 1-41. link
  • Schranz, Melanie, Martina Umlauft, Micha Sende, and Wilfried Elmenreich. “Swarm robotic behaviors and current applications.” Frontiers in Robotics and AI 7 (2020): 36. link
  • Dorigo, Marco, Guy Theraulaz, and Vito Trianni. “Swarm robotics: past, present, and future.” Proceedings of the IEEE 109.7 (2021): 1152-1165. link
  • Garnier, Simon, Jacques Gautrais, and Guy Theraulaz. “The biological principles of swarm intelligence.” Swarm intelligence 1, no. 1 (2007): 3-31. link
  • Ha, David, and Yujin Tang. “Collective intelligence for deep learning: A survey of recent developments.” Collective Intelligence 1.1 (2022): 26339137221114874. link






  • Complexity Explorables, A collection of interactive explorable explanations of complex systems in biology, physics, mathematics, social sciences, epidemiology, ecology and other fields.